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Environmental catalysis and membrane development research in CSIRO

发布者: 发布时间:2015-05-04 浏览次数:


Environmental catalysis and membrane development research in CSIRO


谢宗丽 博士 澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织(CSIRO)科学家







Dr Zongli Xie is a project leader and research scientist at CSIRO Manufacturing. During over 10 years as a CSIRO scientist, Zongli has worked on more than 20 research and development projects with Australian and International industries in various aspects of membrane and membrane process development, commercial scale production of materials, catalysis and industrial emission control. She has extensive research experiences in the area of advanced membrane technology for industrial wastewater treatment, industrial emission control, environmental catalysis, industrial steam separation and recovery, and advanced hybrid organic-inorganic membrane for water separation. She has led the environmental catalysis and membrane applications research projects for industrial process and wastewaters recycling, industrial emission control, mineral separation and purification, and development of pervaporation membranes for desalination. Zongli has author/co-authored over 60 journal/conference papers, 1 book chapter and over 20 confidential commercial technical reports to industries. The highlight of the achievement includes the commercially scale up of the production of membrane material for solid oxide fuel cell, and commercialisation of the catalytic deodorisation technology (in progress). Her achievement has led to the CMSE chief’s innovation award (2008) and Victoria University Vice-Chancellor’s citation award (2013).

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