


Department of Biomaterial

Updated:2016-12-14 Hits:

Bio-medical Engineering Research Center of Xiamen University is a research-oriented institute, which was founded in 2002 at Xiamen University as an initiative to multiple subjects study and high-quality teaching. BMERC focuses on frontier research and in Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics including biomaterials, biomedical materials, bionics, soft functional materials and medical information, molecular biology, tissue engineering, controlled and delayed release and medical apparatus.

In September, 2007, the Department of Biomaterials was established in the foundation of Bio-medical Engineering Research Center as College of Materials of Xiamen University arose at the same time.

Now the department has a strong-competitive academic team of 15 researchers , 2 professors supported by New Century Excellent Talents In University and 3 professors supported by New Century Excellent Talents In Fujian Provincial University . More than 100 scientific research projects with over 10 million sponsored funds are processing well in Department of Biomaterials , such as Key Technologies Research and Development Program of China, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) , National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program), National Key Technologies Research and Development Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation, Science Foundation of the Fujian Province, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Program for Young Scientists and Innovative Research, Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Provincial University. The department of biomaterials has several high-level laboratories which are fully furnished and utilized with functional equipments and facilities in value of 30 million RMB, for various research activities from the processing to characterization, analysis, and the professional training.

The department of biomaterials has world-wide collaborations for research development with universities in USA, Japan, Singapore and other more than 10 countries, such as the university of Chicago, University of Minnesota, Okayama University and NUS Singapore University . This establishes an international stage for academic enhancement.

Now the department of Biomaterials are dedicated to achieve more scientific results and honors for biomaterial research of Xiamen University as well as foster more youth talents. Besides, much contributions to biomaterial enterprises in Fujian province and the whole Chinese society are also expected due to its constant efforts.