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Our Students Obtained Good Achievements the 7th University Student Material Innovation Competition in Guangdong Province

Updated:2017-12-04 Hits:

On December 2 and 3, sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Materials Research, theSeventh University Students Materials Innovation Competition was opening. A total of 117 teams from Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Xiamen University etc. participating this competition. Two teams in our college led by MsWu Yanyan participated in the competition and achieved good results. The I will shine team composed of 5 students led by Associate Professor YAO Rongqian, year three undergraduates Liu Leyu and his teammates with the project Precursor Melt Spinning Process to Produce Flexible Silicon Carbide Ceramic Substrate and Its Application won the second prize in the competition of inorganic non-metal group. Guided by Professor Yu Yuxi, 2014 undergraduates Ma Xiaomun and other 4 students with the condensate building team works Fire retardant sound-insulated insulation energy-saving integration of new materials - silica airgel foam won the third prize in inorganic non-metallic group.

This competition was divided into inorganic non-metallic materials, polymer materials and metal materials 3 sub-divisions, setting graduate and undergraduate groups. After the pre-cooperation of the team members and patient guidance of the instructor, the two teams of our college successfully passed the selection in inorganic non-metallic materials division and both promoted to the final.

On the 2nd morning, the nonmetallic zone finals were held in the East Campus of Sun Yat-sen University. After the opening ceremony, the players put themselves into the intense preparations for the defense. I will shine team players repeatedly practice before the game, continue to sort out the contents of the entire project to better meet the judges teacher questions, and ultimately achieve good display effect, won the second prize in non-metallic inorganic division. The condensate base team combined with self-confidence and generous report display and in-kind renderings of the work, and ultimately won the third place in inorganic non-metallic sub-Division.

Participating this competition has further enhanced the students' ability of innovation and comprehensive expression, while strengthening the exchange of teachers and students’ ideas between sister-universities. Students from the Center for Science and Technology Innovation also communicated with teachers and students in the first-class colleges and universities and exchanged the invitation of the third National College Students Material Design Invitational (MDC) for the contest in March next year.