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College News

Special recruitment for materials, chemistry, chemical engineering had been held successfully

Updated:2018-06-24 Hits:

On the morning of March 16th, the job recruitment for grade 2018 and internship recruitment for grade 2019 were successfully held in both the three village student activity square and the first floor exhibition hall of the Ziqin tower. The recruitment meeting is specialized for the graduates majored in materials, chemistry, chemicalengineering, and it was sponsored by the college students' employment and entrepreneurship guidance center.

It aims to broaden the employment channels for the 2018 school graduates, and to build a wider two-way communication platform for employers and graduates. There are many types of participants, with a wide range of coverage, attracting 91 famous enterprises from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Shandong, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Fujian. The participated companies included Materials Research Institute of China Institute of Engineering Physics, Xiamen Institute of Rare Earth Materials Research Institute of hercyne Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen happy learning and education science and Technology Co., Ltd., Xiamen Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Xiamen tungsten industry Limited by Share Ltd, Chaozhou three ring Limited by Share Ltd and other materials related enterprises. The recruitment positions covered R & D engineers, technical technicians, sales commissioners, quality inspector, purchasing commissioner, manager, marketing staff, education and training, and other professional fields such as materials science, chemical technology, mechanical design and manufacturing, biological medicine, human resources and so on.

Before half past eight a.m., the employing company continued to report to the job fairs on the spot. Around ten o'clock, the job fairs were crowded and there were many students who came to apply in front of each employer counter. The students actively communicated with the recruiters of the enterprise, and actively submitted their resumes after detailed consideration about the general situation and recruitment requirements, demands and salaries. The recruitment has also attracted many junior students as many enterprises also provided internship positions for the 2019 graduates. Many students in the junior grade for the early understanding of the market, also shuttle among the employers, and initiatively to communicate with enterprise recruiters.

In order to help the graduates to provide real time employment guidance services, the recruitment fair has also set up an employment consultation point. Many experienced employment consultants, such as the journalism and communication college, the material institute and the chemical and chemical college, have been invited to provide the guidance to students, including CV preparation, interview skill, policy advice, and professional guidance services.

School leaders and college leaders attached great importance to this job recruitment event. The main persons in charges from students office, graduate schools, college of materials, school of chemical and chemical engineering were also present, and they communicated with recruitment enterprises and candidates.

It is worth mentioning that this year is the fourth successful joint hosting of a special recruitment meeting for the college of materials and the college of chemistry and chemical engineering. This year, the number of recruitment units is larger than that in previous years, and the overall level is higher. There are many leading companies in related industries or fields.

(College of Materials, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering)