


Xuetao Luo

Position Title:Ph.D.Professor
Tel:+86 0592 2184881 (Office)
Fax: +86 0592 2188503


2002.1.-2012.1. College of Materials, Xiamen University, Professor

2010.6.-2010.7. School of Metallurgical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Visiting fellow

2001.9.-2002.1. State Key Laboratory for Powder Metallurgy, Central South University, Professor

2000.3-2000.10. Department of Materials, National University of Singapore,Visiting fellow 1998.11.-2001.9. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanchang Hangkong

University, Professor, Department director, Deputy dean

1997.11.-1998.10. National Defense Key Laboratory of Ceramic Matrix Composite Materials, National University of Defense Technology, Associate research fellow

1996.4.-1997.11. State Key Laboratory of materials composite, Wuhan University of Technology,Associate research fellow

1982.9.-1986.7. College of Materials, Nanchang Hangkong University, Bachelor in Material Science and Engineering, Supervised by Professor Shoupeng Wang

1990.9.-1993.3. College of Materials, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Master in Materialogy, Supervised by Professor/Academician Litong Zhang

1993.3.-1996.3. College of Materials, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Ph.D. in Materialogy, Supervised by Professor/Academician Litong Zhang

1996.4.-1997.11. State Key Laboratory of Materials Composite, Wuhan University of Technology, Postdoctoral fellow, Supervised by Professor Runzhang Yuan

Now, Professor Luo is the Committee of National Metallurgical Multi-crystalline Silicon Industry Technology Alliance, and contract reviewer invited by international metallurgical journals. Recent years, funded by Key Project of Fujian Provincial Natural Science Fund-Mechanism of Impurities Separation Under External Field in Multi-crystalline Silicon (2007J0012), Important Special Item of Fujian Provincial Science-Study on Development & Industrialization of Low-cost Multi-crystalline Silicon Refining and Solar Cells(2007HZ0005-2), Key Project of NSFC-Yunnan Union Fund-Study on Vacuum Refining of Solar Grade Multi-crystalline Silicon by Metallurgical Method (U1137601), “The 12th five-year”National Key Technology R&D Program-Key Technology & IndustrializationDemonstration of Solar Grade Multi-crystalline Silicon by Metallurgical Method(2011BAE03B01), Professor Luo led his team carried on Slag Refining, Vacuum Refining, Boron Removal by Plasma method, and Impurities Removal by Directional Solidification research, building up abundant experience and theory on preparation of solar grade multi-crystalline silicon by metallurgical method.

Recent Projects

Over the past three years, Professor Luo took part in more than 10 projects on Key Project of National Nature Fund, Provincial Important Special Item, Provincial Key Fund, and scientific research project supported by enterprise,more than 9 million expenditure. Professor Luo published more than 70 pieces of papers in international and national journals, such as ACS-Applied Materials & Interface, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Separation of Purification Technology,Metallurgical and materials transactions A,Journal of theElectrochemical Society(30 published in SCI and 20 in EI), and more than 20 pieces of them focus on multi-crystalline silicon refining by metallurgical method. More than 60 pieces of national patents for invention,and more than 50 pieces of them focus on multi-crystalline silicon refining, and 20 pieces of them have been authorized.


Low-cost multi-crystalline silicon preparation by metallurgical method

Deepened processing technology of Kaolin

Major Patents

1、罗学涛,蔡靖,李锦堂,郑淞生,陈文辉,沈晓杰,龚惟扬,陈朝,一种采用电磁感应熔炼辅助高温等离子除硼提纯多晶硅的生产工艺及装置,授权日:2011年05月18日,专利号:ZL 200910112547.X;

2、罗学涛,郑淞生,蔡靖,陈文辉,李锦堂,陈朝,真空感应熔炼去除硅中磷杂质的方法,授权日:2011年08月10日,专利号:ZL 200910112398.7;

3、罗学涛,傅翠梨,李锦堂,陈文辉,一种利用分光光度计检测偏高岭土活性的方法,授权日:2011年09月07日,专利号:ZL 201010109823.X;

4、罗学涛,蔡靖,李锦堂,郑淞生,陈文辉,沈晓杰,龚惟扬,陈朝,一种多晶硅除硼提纯方法,授权日:2011年12月14日,专利号:ZL 200910112546.5;

5、罗学涛,陈文辉,李锦堂,陈朝,一种测定高纯硅中磷含量的方法,授权日:2011年12月14日,专利号:ZL 201010109814.0;

6、罗学涛,龚惟扬,李锦堂,吴浩,沈晓杰,一种采用硫化物去除工业硅中硼磷杂质的方法,授权日:2011年12月14日,专利号:ZL 201010177791.7;

7、罗学涛,龚惟扬,李锦堂,陈朝,一种采用稀土氧化物去除工业硅中硼磷杂质的方法,授权日:2012年01月11日,专利号:ZL 201010109835.2;

8、罗学涛,沈晓杰,李锦堂,龚惟扬,一种用高岭土脱泥尾砂制备人造石英石的方法,授权日:2012年05月23日,专利号:ZL 201010289012.2;

9、罗学涛,张蓉,李锦堂,一种提高钙基膨润土COD吸附力的方法,授权日:2012年07月04日,专利号:ZL 201010122905.8;

10、罗学涛,黄平平,李锦堂,吴浩,张蓉,傅翠梨,一种金属硅的造渣酸洗除硼方法,授权日:2012年08月15日,专利号:ZL 201110040875.0;

11、罗学涛,龚惟扬,李锦堂,黄平平,吴浩,一种采用含镁化合物去除工业硅中硼磷杂质的方法,授权日:2012年11月14日,专利号:ZL 201110000994.3;

Major publications

(1)Xue Zeng, Liuqing Huang, Chaonan Wang, Jianshu Wang, Jintang Li, and Xuetao Luo*, Sonocrystallization of ZIF‑8 on Electrostatic Spinning TiO2 Nanofibers Surface with Enhanced Photocatalysis Property through Synergistic Effect, ACS Applied Materials &Interface, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.6b05746.

(2)Liuqing Huang, Huixian Lai, Chuanhai Gan, Huaping Xiong, Pengfei Xing, Xuetao Luo*, Separation of boron and phosphorus from Cu-alloyed metallurgical grade silicon by CaO–SiO2–CaCl2 slag treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 2016, 170:408-416.

(3) Liuqing Huang, Huixian Lai, Chenghao Lu , Ming Fang, Wenhui Ma, Pengfei Xing, Jintang Li, and Xuetao Luo*, Enhancement in extraction of boron and phosphorus from metallurgical grade silicon by copper alloying and aqua regia leaching, Hydrometallurgy, 2016, 161: 14–21.

(4) Huixian Lai, Liuqing Huang, Chenghao Lu , Ming Fang, Wenhui Ma, Pengfei Xing, Jintang Li, and Xuetao Luo*, Leaching behavior of impurities in Ca-alloyed metallurgical grade silicon, Hydrometallurgy, 2015, 156: 173–181.

(5) Ming Fang, Chenghao Lu, Huixian Lai, Liuqing Huang, Juan Chen, Xiaobing Yang, Jintang Li, Wenhui Ma, Pengfei Xing, and Xuetao Luo*, Multiple slag operation on the removal of boron from metallurgical grade silicon using sodium-based slag, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(30): 12054-12062.

(6) Juan Chen, Liuqing Huang, Huixian Lai, Chenghao Lu, Ming Fang, Qiqing Zhang, and Xuetao Luo*, Methotrexate-loaded PEGylated chitosan nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and in Vitro and in Vivo anti-tumoral activity, Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2014, 11(7), 2213-2223.

(7) Ming Fang, Chenghao Lu, Huixian Lai, Liuqing Huang, Juan Chen, Jintang Li, Wenhui Ma, Pengfei Xing, and Xuetao Luo*, Effect of calcium-based slag treatment on hydrometallurgical purification of metallurgical-grade silicon, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(2): 972-979.

学位 职称 Ph.D.Professor
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 xuetao@xmu.edu.cn 电话 +86 0592 2184881 (Office) <br> Fax: +86 0592 2188503
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