


Jintang Li

Position Title:Assistant Professor
Tel:+86 0592 2184881 (Office)
Fax:+86 0592 2188503


Jul 2008, Assistant professor, College of materials, Xiamen University.

2008, Ph.D from Nanjing Universtiy

2005, M.S. from Xiamen Universtiy

2002, B.S. from Xiamen Universtiy

Recent Projects

Undertaken National Natural Science Foundation of China NO.51204143 and Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2010J05120).

Participated National Natural Science Foundation of China NO.51334004 and NO.U1137601; The National Key Technology R&D Program (2011BAE03B01); Fujian Province Key Technology Projects (2007J0012)


Functional Materials Based on MOFs.

Nanopore Materials.

Low Cost Metallurgical Silicon Refining Technology.


1)Li, J. T., R. Y. Chen, X. Zeng, C. N. Wang, Y. Q. Chen and X. T. Luo (2016). Amine-templated synthesis of two metal phosphonates based on 5-phosphononicotinic acid. Inorganica Chimica Acta 444: 181-185.

2)Li, J. T., X. Zeng, X. B. Yang, C. N. Wang and X. T. Luo (2015). Synthesis of pure sodalite with wool ball morphology from alkali fusion kaolin. Materials Letters 161: 157-159.

3)Li, J. T., X. Zeng, C. H. Gan, S. Qiu, R. Y. Chen and X. T. Luo (2014). Orthogonal Experiments for Kaolin Bleaching by Using Sodium Dithionite and Sulfuric Acid. Advanced Materials Research 968: 116-121.

4)Li, J. T., S. Qiu, R. Y. Chen, C. H. Gan, X. Zeng and X. T. Luo (2014). Hydrothermal Synthesis of Porous Materials Using Calcined Kaolin with Small Molecular Amine Templates. Advanced Materials Research 1025-1026: 515-518.

5)Lu, C. H., L. Q. Huang, H. X. Lai, M. Fang, W. H. Ma, P. F. Xing, L. Zhang, J. T. Li and X. T. Luo (2015). Effects of Slag Refining on Boron Removal from Metallurgical-Grade Silicon Using Recycled Slag with Active Component. Separation Science and Technology 50(17): 2759-2766.

6)Li, J.-T., D.-K. Cao, T. Akutagawa and L.-M. Zheng (2010). Zn3(4-OOCC6H4PO3)2: A polar metal phosphonate with pillared layered structure showing SHG-activity and large dielectric anisotropy. Dalton Transactions 39(37): 8606-8608.

7)Li, J. T., L. R. Guo, Y. Shen and L. M. Zheng (2009). LiF-assisted crystallization of zinc 4-carboxyphenylphosphonates with pillared layered structures. Crystengcomm 11(8): 1674-1678.

8)Li, J. T.; Keene, T. D.; Cao, D. K.; Decurtins, S.; Zheng, L. M., [M(OOCC6H4PO3H)(H2O)] (M(II) = Mn, Co, Ni): layered metal phosphonates showing variable magnetic behavior. Crystengcomm 2009, 11 (7), 1255-1260.

9) Li, J. T.; Ma, Y. S.; Li, S. G.; Cao, D. K.; Li, Y. Z.; Song, Y.; Zheng, L. M., Mixed-valent manganese phosphonate clusters prepared under microwave-assisted and ambient conditions. Dalton Transactions 2009,(25), 5029-5034.

10) Li, J. T.; Zheng, L. M., Ln(2)(O2CCH2PO3)(2)(H2O)(3) center dot H2O (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm): Layered lanthanide phosphonoacetates containing two-dimensional -Ln-O- linkages. Inorganica Chimica Acta 2009, 362 (6), 1739-1742.

11) Li, J. T.; Yang, T. H.; Li, Y. Z.; Zheng, L. M., Copper Phosphonate Complex Cu(O3PC6H4COOH) Showing a New Type of Layered Structure. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2008, 24 (11), 1885-1889.

12) Li, J. T.; Cao, D. K.; Liu, B.; Li, Y. Z.; Zheng, L. M., Zinc 4-carboxyphenylphosphonates with pillared layered framework structures containing large 12-membered rings built up from tetranuclear Zn-4 clusters and CPO3 linkages. Crystal Growth & Design 2008, 8 (8), 2950-2953.

学位 职称 Assistant Professor
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 leejt@xmu.edu.cn 电话 +86 0592 2184881 (Office)<br> Fax:+86 0592 2188503
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