


Wei Cheng

Position Title:Associate Professor

Work Experience

2019.11-now, Associate Professor, College of Materials, Xiamen University

2016.09-2019.09, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, The University of British Columbia


2010.11-2016.03, Ph.D., Department of Materials, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich)

2007.09-2010.06, M.Sc., Department of Chemistry, University of Science and Technology of China

2003.09-2007.06, B.Sc., Department of Chemistry, China Three Gorges University

Research Interests

1. Electrochromic materials and devices

2. Nanomaterials for catalysis and energy storage

Open Positions

We are looking for talented and highly-motivated individuals to join our team! There are multiple open positions at different levels (postdoctoral research fellow, graduate and undergraduate students) available in our group. If you are interested in our research programs, please contact Prof. Dr. Wei Cheng (weicheng@xmu.edu.cn).


C. P. Berlinguette*,W. Cheng, Photodeposition of metal oxides for electrochromic devices WO2019014776


1. W. Cheng, J. He, K. E. Dettelbach, N. J. J. Johnson, R. S. Sherbo, C. P. Berlinguette

Photodeposited amorphous oxide films for electrochromic windows

Chem 2018, 4, 821-832.

2. W.Cheng, M. Moreno, K. Hu, C. Krzyszkowski, D. J. Dvorak, D. M. Weekes, B. Tam, C. P.


Solution-deposited solid-state electrochromic windows

iScience, 2018, 10, 80-86.

3. W. Cheng, Photodeposition of electrochromic metal oxide films. Chem 2018, 4, 659-660.

4. W. Cheng, Y. Ju, P. Payamyar, D. Primc, J. Rao, C. Willa, D. Koziej, M. Niederberger

Large-area alignment of tungsten oxide nanowires over flat and patterned substrates for room-

temperature gas sensing

Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2015, 54, 340-344.

5. W. Cheng, F. Rechberger, M. Niederberger

Three-dimensional assembly of yttrium oxide nanosheets into luminescent aerogel monoliths

with outstanding adsorption properties

ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 2467-2475.

6. W. Cheng, F. Rechberger, G. Ilari, H. Ma, W.-I. Lin, M. Niederberger

Amorphous cobalt silicate nanobelts@carbon composites as a stable anode material for

lithium ionbatteries

Chemical Science 2015, 6, 6908-6915.

7. W. Cheng, G. Zeng, M. Niederberger

Design of vanadium oxide core-shell nanoplatelets for lithium ion storage

Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015, 3, 2861-2868.

8. W. Cheng, F. Rechberger, D. Primc, M. Niederberger

Multiscale anode materials in lithium ion batteries by combining micro- with nanoparticles:

design of mesoporous TiO2 microfibers@nitrogen doped carbon composites

Nanoscale 2015, 7, 13898-13906.

9. W. Cheng, F. Rechberger and M. Niederberger,

From 1D to 3D - macroscopic nanowire aerogel monoliths

Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 14074-14077.

10. W. Cheng, M. Niederberger

Evaporation-Induced self-assembly of ultrathin tungsten oxide nanowires over a large scale for

ultraviolet photodetector

Langmuir, 2016, 32, 2474-2481.

11. W. Cheng, K. Tang, Y. Qi, J. Sheng, Z. Liu

One-step synthesis of superparamagnetic monodisperse porous Fe3O4 hollow and core-shell spheres

Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010, 20, 1799-1805.

12. W. Cheng, K. Tang, J. Sheng

Highly water-soluble superparamagnetic ferrite colloidal spheres with tunable composition and size

Chemistry – A European Journal 2010, 16, 3608-3612.

13. W. Cheng, K. Tang, Z. Liu, J. Sheng, Y. Qi

Template-free synthesis of monodisperse Cu2WO4(OH)2 round and elliptical hollow spheres with a

ligand-assisted dissolution process

Chemical Communications 2009, 7185-7187.

14. F. J. Heiligtag, W. Cheng, V. R. de Mendonça, M. J. Süess, K. Hametner, D. Günther, C. Ribeiro,

M. Niederberger

Self-assembly of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles and nanowires into a macroscopic ternary

aerogel monolith with tailored photocatalytic properties

Chemistry of Materials 2014, 26, 5576-5584.

15. N. Shi, W. Cheng, H. Zhou, T. Fan, M. Niederberger

Facile synthesis of monodisperse Co3O4 quantum dots with efficient oxygen evolution activity

Chemical Communications 2015, 51, 1338-1340.

16. L. Wang, W. Cheng, H. Gong, C. Wang, D. Wang, K. Tang, Y. Qian

Facile synthesis of nanocrystalline-assembled bundle-like CuO nanostructure with high rate

capacities and enhanced cycling stability as an anode material for lithium-ion batteries

Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 11297-11302.

17. J. He, D. M. Weekes, W. Cheng, K. E. Dettelbach, A. Huang, T. Li, C. P. Berlinguette,

Photodecomposition of metal nitrate and chloride compounds yields amorphous metal oxide


Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017, 139, 18174–18177.

18. J. Sheng, K. Tang, W. Cheng, J. Wang, Y. Nie, Q. Yang

Controllable solvothermal synthesis and photocatalytic properties of complex (oxy)fluorides

K2TiOF4, K3TiOF5, K7Ti4O4F7 and K2TiF6

Journal of Hazardous Materials 2009, 171, 279–287.

19. L.Wang, B. Lu, M. Xu, W. Cheng, C. Wu, L. Sun, X. Gu, S. Wang, J. Xu, C. Jia, J. Hu, X. Sun

Nitrogen/Oxygen Co-doped Porous Carbon Nanocapsules as High Performance Anode Materials for

Lithium/Sodium Storage at Ultrahigh Current Density

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 11117-11126.

20. G. Zeng, N. Shi, M. Hess, X. Chen, W. Cheng, T. Fan, M. Niederberger

A general method of fabricating flexible spinel-type oxide/reduced graphene oxide

nanocomposite aerogels as advanced anodes for lithium-ion batteries

ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4227-4235.

21. L. Wang, K. Tang, Z. Liu, D. Wang, J. Sheng, W. Cheng

Single-crystalline ZnSn(OH)6 hollow cubes via self-templated synthesis at room temperature and

their photocatalytic properties

Journal of Materials Chemistry 2011, 21, 4352-4357.

学位 职称 Associate Professor
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 weicheng@xmu.edu.cn 电话
课题组网站 专业
所在院校 邮编

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