


Zhaoju Yu

Position Title:Professor
Fax: 0592-2181898

Dr. Zhaoju Yu is full professor of College of Materials at the Xiamen University, China. She is a Humboldt Research Fellow (Awarded on 15.12.2016) and guest professor in the frame of an international scientist exchange program with the research group “Disperse Feststoffe” at the Materials and Geosciences Department of the Technische Universität Darmstadt. She received the prestigious ECD Jubilee Global Diversity Award (2022). Presently, she is Associate Editor of the journals Ceramics International and Journal of the American Ceramic Society. Her research fields cover ceramic nanocomposites, ceramic fibers and silicone-based polymer materials. In particular, her research work is focused on i) advanced Si-based ceramic nanocomposites containing nanocarbon phase by molecular approach; and ii) the correlation of the molecular structure of preceramic polymers with the microstructure and properties of the ceramic materials obtained therefrom. She has currently published more than 80 refereed scientific papers, made more than 30 Invited Conference Presentations and been authorized 11 granted patents. She is the principal investigator of 10 research projects and participated in the State Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.

学位 职称 Professor
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 zhaojuyu@xmu.edu.cn 电话 0592-2181898  <br> Fax: 0592-2181898
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