


Zhidong Zhou

Position Title:Associate Professor
Xiamen University, P.R. China


PI on the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11572271: Mechanisms of flexoelectric effect of plasma membrane and outer hair cell electromotility,¥776,000, 01/01/2016-12/31/2019

Professional Experiences

2007.10-present    Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Xiamen University, P.R.China

2014.8-2015.8Visiting Scholar, Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, USA

2005.4-2007.9  Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, P.R. China

2003.9-2005.1  Postdoctor, Department of marine Engineering, Kobe University, Japan

Research interest

  1. Evolution of Micro-structure and physical properties in epitaxial ferroelectric thin films

  2. Mechanical properties of piezo/ferroelectric materials and composite nano-structures

  3. Wave propagation and thermal shock in thermo-electro-elastic materials

Current Grants/Projects

PI on the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11572271: Mechanisms of flexoelectric effect of plasma membrane and outer hair cell electromotility,¥776,000, 01/01/2016-12/31/2019

Post Grants/Projects

  1. PI on the National Natural Science Foundation of China 11172252: Phase-Field method of domain configurations and physical properties in epitaxial polydomain ferroelectric thin films,¥580,000, 01/01/2012-12/31/2015

  2. PI on the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China 2011J01329: Analysis of domain configurations and phase figures in PZT ferroelectric thin films, ¥40,000, 04/01/2012-3/31/2014

    (3) PI on the National Natural Science Foundation of China 10802070: Nonlinear finite deformation of electrostrictive polymer film with electrodes,¥220,000, 01/01/2009-12/31/2011

    Publications: By January 2014, Dr. Zhou has authored or co-authors more than 20 papers

    Chen, Z., Su, Y., Zhou, Z.*, Lei, L., Yang, C., The influence of the electrical boundary condition on domain structures and electrocaloric effect of PbTiO3 nanostructures. “AIP Advances”, 2016, 6, 055207

    Zhou, Z.*, Wu, D., Domain strutures of ferroelectric films under different electrical boundary condition. “AIP Advances”, 2015, 5, 107206

    Zhou, Z.*, Jiang, Q., Buckling analysis of stretchable ferroelectric thin film on elastomeric substrates. “Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica” 2014, 27 (5), 509-517

    Zhou, Z., Wang, D. *, and Jiang, Q., Piezoelectric Effect on the Buckling of Piezoelectric Thin Film with Viscoelastic Substrate. “J. Nanomech. Micromech.” 2014, 4(1), A4013004

    Zhou Z.D. *, Yang F.P., Plane waves in pyroelectrics with viscous effect. “Acta Mechanica” 2014, 225 (2), 509-521

    Zhou Z.D.*, Fu Z.P., Jiang Q., Buckling of a piezoelectric thin film bonded to compliant substrates. “Int. J. of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics” 2013, 42 (1), 55-61

    Zhou Z.D.*, Yang F.P., Kuang Z.B., Reflection and transmission of plane waves at the interface of pyroelectric bi-materials. “Journal of Sound and Vibration” 2012, 331, 3558-3566

    Zhou Z.D.*, Zhang C.Z, Jiang Q., Phase Stability of Single Domain Epitaxial Ferroelectric films. “Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics” 2012, 33 (3), 258-264

Jiang Q.*, Wei H.E., Zhou Z. D., Method of fundamental solution with image technique for elliptical partial differential equations of second and forth order and applications. “Commun. Appl. Math. Comput.”2012, 1, 66-76

Zhou Z.D.*, Zhang C.Z., Jiang Q., Effect of electromechanical boundary conditions on the properties of epitaxial ferroelectric thin films. “Chinese Physics B”, 2011, 20 (10), 107701.

Wei H.E., Jiang Q.*, Zhou Z.D., Some problems of nonlinear mechanics for electrostrictive materials. “Journal of Nantong University”, 2011, 10(3), 46-52.

Liu T.Q., Lin X., Zhou Z.D.*, Cheng X., Zhang Y., Microstructures and properties of polynary system (1-x)PZT-x(0.2PFN-0.2PZN-0.6PNN) ferroelectric ceramics. “Journal of Functional Materials”, 2011, 42(7), 1219-1221+1226.

Zhou Z.D.*, Yang F.J., Liu T.Q., Zhang Y., Jiang Q., Zhang C.Z., Constitutive relation of electric fatigue on the ferroelectric ceramics, “Proceedings of the 2010 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications”, 2010, 95-99

Zhou Z.D.*, Zhang C.Z., Zhang Y., Size effect on phase transition temperature of epitaxial ferroelectric films. “ACTA PHYSICA SINICA”, 2010, 59(9), 6620-6625.

Zhang C. Z., Zhou Z. D.*, Zhang Y., Thickness dependence of phase transition temperature of epitaxial ferroelectric films. “Joint Conference of the 2009 Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications”, 2009, 144-147.

Yang F. J., Cheng X., Zhou Z. D., Zhang Y.*, An analysis of domain reorientation in PLZT ceramics by In-Situ Raman spectroscopy. “J. Appl. Phys.”, 2009, 106, 114115.

Yuang X.G., Zhou Z.D., Kuang Z.B.*, Enriched element scheme for computing stress fields in a plate containing blunt crack. “Chinese Quarterly of Mechanics”, 2008, 29 (3),356-364.

Zhou Z. D.*, Zhao S. X., Kuang Z. B., Electroelastic analysis of bi-piezoelectrics embedded interfacial rigid lines with generalized piezoelectric dislocation. “Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics”, 2008, 29 (3), 223-230.

Zhou Z. D.*, Nishioka T., Kuang Z. B., A generalized screw dislocation in a piezoelectric trimaterial body. “Int. J. Appl. Electromagetics Mech.”, 2007, 26 (1-2), 21-36.

Nishioka T.*, Zhou Z. D., Yu J. H., Analysis of in-plane transonically propagating interface crack with a finite contact zone. “Int. J. Fracture”, 2006, 142, 241-254.

Zhou K.L., Zhou Z.D., Kuang Z.B.*. Surface electrode problem in piezoelectric materials. “Advanced Materials Research” , 2005, V9(September):191-198.

Zhou Z. D., Nishioka T.*, Asymptotic analysis for steady growth mode III crack in a piezoelectric sandwich composite.“Int. J. Appl. Electromagetics Mech.”, 2005, 22 (3-4), 121-132.

Zhou Z. D., Zhao S. X., Kuang Z. B.*, Stress and electric displacement analyses in piezoelectric media with an elliptic hole and a small crack. “Int. J. Solids Struct”., 2005, 42 (9-10), 2803-2822.

Kuang Z.B.*, Zhou Z.D. Zhou K.L., Electroelastic analysis of a piezoelectric half-plane with finitesurface electrodes. “Int. J. of Engineering Science” 2004, 42: 1603-1615.

Zhou Z.D., Zhao S.X., Kuang Z.B.*, Two-surface model of macroscopic electromechanical behavior for ferroelectrics under unaxial loading. “Acta Mechanica Sinica”, 2004, 36(6): 688-694.

Zhou Z.D., Zhao S.X., Kuang Z.B.*, Analysis of general stress and displacement in piezoelectric ceramics with an elliptic hole. “Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University”, 2004, 38(8): 1403-1407.

Kuang Z.B., Zhou Z.D.*, Chen Y., Zhao S.X., Eigen-material constants, mode and failure criterion for piezoelectric media. “Int. J. of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics”. 2003, 18 (4), 235-250.

Zhao S.X.* Zhou Z.D., Kuang Z.B., Continuous modeling for transient and steady cyclic hardening/softening behavior of metallic materials under amplitude change loading. “Key Engineering Materials” 2003, 243-2: 427-432.

Zhou Z.D., Zhao S.X., Kuang Z.B.*, An integral elasto-plastic constitutive theory. “International Journal of Plasticity” Volume 19, Issue 9 , September 2003 ; 1377-1400.

学位 职称 Associate Professor
研究室 所在部门 Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
电子邮件 zdzhou@xmu.edu.cn 电话
课题组网站 专业
所在院校 Xiamen University, P.R. China 邮编

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