


Birong Zeng

Position Title:Associate Professor

Work Experience

1. Molecular design and characterization of polymer-based composite, such as magnetic nanophere and flame retardant thermoset epoxy resin.

2. Functional polymer, including metal-ion responsive and pH-responsive polymer, film/membrane materials.

3. Understanding, controlling and tailoring the molecular Interaction by polymerization and synthetic organic chemistry, NMR, X-ray and light scattering techniques, imaging, TEM and SEM etc.

Education Background

Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, Xiamen University (2009.12)

M.S., Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Xiamen University (2002.7)

B.S., Materials Chemistry, Xiamen University (1999.7)

Research Interest

1. Molecular design and characterization of polymer-based composite, such as magnetic nanophere and flame retardant thermoset epoxy resin.

2. Functional polymer, including metal-ion responsive and pH-responsive polymer, film/membrane materials.

3. Understanding, controlling and tailoring the molecular Interaction by polymerization and synthetic organic chemistry, NMR, X-ray and light scattering techniques, imaging, TEM and SEM etc.


1. Self-assembly of Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane-Containing Amphiphilic Macromolecules Induced by the Metal-ligand Coordination (PI); Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (Grant No. 2011J05137); Duration: 2011 –2014

2.Magnetically Recycled Polymer-based Heterogeneous Oxovanadium Hybrid Materials and Catalysis Mechanism (PI); National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51103122); Duration: 2012 –2014

3.Novel Flame-retardant Epoxy Resin from a Synergistic System of Metal-POSS Hybrids and Phosphorus/Nitrogen Elements (PI); National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51573150); Duration: 2016 –2019


1. Chen LN, Zeng BR*, Wu YG, Xie JJ, Yu SR, Yuan CH, Luo WA, Xu YT, Dai LZ*, Gold-loading magnetic core–shell organic/inorganic nanocomposites: facile preparation and multiple properties, Polym. Adv. Technol. 2014, 25 1069–1076.

2. Zeng BR*, Wu YG, Kang QL, Chang Y, Yuan CH,Xu YT, Dai LZ*, Zhang FC. Metal-ions directed self-assembly of hybrid diblock copolymers, Journal of Material Research, 2014, 29, 22.

3.Wang WT, Aldeek F, Ji X, Zeng BR, Mattoussi H. A Multifunctional Amphiphilic Polymer as a Platform for Surface-Functionalizing Metallic and Other Inorganic Nanostructures, Faraday Discussions, 2014,175, 137-151.

4.Yu XY, Deng L, Zheng BS, Zeng BR, Yi PG, Xu X, A spectroscopic study on the coordination and solution structures of the interaction systems between biperoxidovanadate complexes and the pyrazolylpyridine-like ligands, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 1524.

5.Chen LN, Zeng BR*, Xie JJ, Yu SR, Yuan CH, Pan YY, Luo WA, Liu XY, He KB, Xu YT, Dai LZ*. A metal-sensitive organic–inorganic hybrid surfactant: POSS-capped dipicolinic acid-functionalized poly(ethylene glycol) amphiphile, Reactive and Functional Polymer, 73, 8: 1022-1029 (2013)

6.Zhang J, Chen LN, Kang QL, Zeng BR*, Dai LZ. Study on the binding of chloroamphenicol with bovine serum albumin by fluorescence and UV–vis spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 105: 74-79 (2013)

7. Xu XX, Zhou CL, Zeng BR*, Xia HP, Lan WG, He XM*. Structure and properties of polyamidoamine/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofiltration membrane prepared by interfacial polymerization, Separation and Purification Technology,96: 229-236 (2012)

8.Zhang J, Xiong DX, Chen LN, Kang QL, Zeng BR*. Interaction of pyrrolizine derivatives with bovine serum albumin by fluorescence and UV–Vis spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,96:132-138 (2012)

9.Zeng BR, Fu RQ, Cai SH, Zhang J, Chen Z. NMR and DFT studies on the structure of bisperoxovanadium complexes with bidentate O/N Donors. Inorganica Chimica Acta 365: 119-126 (2011)

10.Zeng BR, Shen TH, Wu AA, Cai SH, Yu XY, Xu X, ChenZ. Spectroscopic and DFT study on the interaction system of vanadium with L-proline in aqueous solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 114: 5211-5216 (2010)

11.Zeng BR, Bao JF, Cai SH, Fu RQ, Chen Z. The structure, stability, and reactivity of oxalate-monoperoxovanadium(V) complex in solution. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 63,18: 3268-3278 (2010)

12.Zeng BR, Zhang J, Fu RQ, Cai SH, Chen Z. Study on structural variation of oxalate-oxodiperoxovanadate(V) from solid state to solution using NMR spectroscopy and theoretical calculation. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 12: 1259-1262 (2009)

13.Zeng BR, Zhu XX, Yu XY, Cai SH, Chen Z. Spectroscopic and theoretical study on the interaction between diperoxovanadate and oxazole. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 69(1): 117-122 (2008)

14.Zeng BR, Zhu XX, Cai SH, Chen Z. Interactions between diperoxovanadate complex and amide ligands in aqueous solution. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 67(1): 202-207 (2007)

15.Zeng BR, Yang CJ, Xu YT, Luo WA, Dai LZ*. Preparation and development of POSS-based Polymer, Science and Engineering, 2012,28, 6: 180-185

Granted Patents:

1.A type of flame retardant micro-foaming plastic wood material and its preparation method (ZL201110223781.7)

2.Preparation method and application of forward osmosis extracting liquid (ZL201410095615.7)

3.A kind of POSS-based amphiphilic nano micelle with metal-ion sensitivity and its preparation method (ZL201210564463.1)

学位 职称 Associate Professor
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 brzeng@xmu.edu.cn 电话 0592-2183937
课题组网站 专业
所在院校 邮编

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