


Yiting XU

Position Title:Associate Professor


2014, The r&d and industrialization of marine heavy-duty coating, The First-class Award for Science and Technology Advancement, Fujian Province of China (to be the fourth author).

2014, The construction of teaching platform under industry-education-research mode promote polymer materials innovation talent students culturing, The First-class Award for Teaching achievement prizes at the higher education of Fujian Province, (to be the third author).

2011, Supported by “Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Province University”

2011, China Bank Teacher Award of Xiamen University”

2009, Xinzhanwang Teacher Award of Xiamen University.

2009, Industrialization and preparation of high property tunnel fire-retardant coatings, The Second-class Award for Science and Technology Advancement, Fujian Province of China (to be the second author).

2008, Preparation polyaniline based membrane modified electrodes for electrochemical sensor, The Second-class Award for Science and Technology Advancement, Fujian Province of China (to be the second author).


Aug. 2008-present-Associate Professor of College of Materials, Xiamen University, China

Sept. 2013-Sept. 2014- Visiting Scholar, University of Massachusetts(Amherst), USA

Aug. 2004-Jul. 2008-Lecturer of Materials Science and Engineering Department, Xiamen University, China

Mar. 2002-Jun. 2002-Doctoral Thesis Research in UMR Hydrosciences Laboratory de l’Université de MontpellierII(Prof. Jean-Yves GAL), Maison des Sciences de l’Eau (MSE-CNRS) in Montpellier, France


Polymer chemistry and physics, including synthesis, modification of functional polymer, fabrication of functional nanomaterials, self-assembly and physicochemical properties of amphiphilic organic-inorganic hybrid polymers; synthesis of conducting and electroactive polymer, electrochemical sensor based on polymer membrane modified electrodes.


[1] Xu Yiting (PI), Controllable self-assembly of POSS containing block copolymers in solutions and their functionalization, National Natural Science Foundation of China (51273164), 2013-2016.

[2] Xu Yiting (PI), Interpenetration toughening and friction of electroactive biohydrogel composite, NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (50903066), 2010-2012.

[3] Xu Yiting (PI), Selective Patterning of Noble Metal Multi-locus Loaded Hybrid Polymer Nano-particles and Evaluation of their Catalytic Properties, Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2012J01233), 2012-2014.

[4] Xu Yiting (PI), The research and development of key technology for high barrier property of rubber sealing material nased on the nano inserted layer modification, Scientific and Technological Innovation Flat of Xiamen City (3502Z20123002), 2011-2014

[5] Xu Yiting (PI), Study on core-shell structural polymer/carbon composite based anode electrocatalysts used in DMFC, Research Fund for The Doctoral Program of Higher Education (20070384047), 2008-2010.

[6] Xu Yiting (PI), Study on the polymer modified anti-poisoning membrane electrodes for alcohol catalytic oxidation, Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2006J0174), 2006-2008.


2014, The r&d and industrialization of marine heavy-duty coating, The First-class Award for Science and Technology Advancement, Fujian Province of China (to be the fourth author).

2014, The construction of teaching platform under industry-education-research mode promote polymer materials innovation talent students culturing, The First-class Award for Teaching achievement prizes at the higher education of Fujian Province, (to be the third author).

2011, Supported by “Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Fujian Province University”

2011, China Bank Teacher Award of Xiamen University”

2009, Xinzhanwang Teacher Award of Xiamen University.

2009, Industrialization and preparation of high property tunnel fire-retardant coatings, The Second-class Award for Science and Technology Advancement, Fujian Province of China (to be the second author).

2008, Preparation polyaniline based membrane modified electrodes for electrochemical sensor, The Second-class Award for Science and Technology Advancement, Fujian Province of China (to be the second author).


[1]Mao, J.; Li, Y.; Wu, T.; Yuan, C.H.; Zeng, B.R.; Xu, Y.T.* Dai, L.Z.: A Simple Dual-pH Responsive Prodrug-Based Polymeric Micelles for Drug Delivery, ACS Applied Materials and nterface, 2016, 8(27)17109-17117

[2] Xu, Y.T.*; Cao, Y.; Xie, J.J.; Li, Q.; Chen, X.M.; Kuo, S.W.; Dai, L.Z: Mixed micelles from synergistic self-assembly of hybrid copolymers with charge difference electrostatic interaction induced re organization ofmicelles from hybrid copolymers, Journal of Materials Research,2016, 31(12), 2046-2057

[3] Xu, Y.T.; Chen, Min.; Xie, J.J, Li, C.; Yang, C.J.; Deng, Y.M.; Yuan, C.H.; Chang, F.C.; Dai, L.Z. : Synthesis, characterization and self-assembly of hybrid pH-sensitive block copolymer containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane(POSS), Reactive & Functional Polymers. 2013, 73, 1646-1655.

[4]Xu, Y.T.*; Xie, J.J.; Chen, L.N.; Gao H. Yuan C.H.; Li C.; Luo, W.A.; Zeng, B.R.; Dai, L.Z.*: Synthesis, Characterization, and Temperature Responsive Behaviors of Novel Hybrid Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Containing Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane, Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2014, 25, 613-623.

[5] Xu, Y.T.*; Xie, J.J. ; Chen, L.N. ; Yuan, C.H. ; Pan, Y.Y.; Cheng, L.; Luo, W.A.; Zeng, B.R.; Dai, LZ..*: A novel hybrid random copolymer poly(MAPOSS-co-NIPAM-co-OEGMA-co-2VP): Synthesis, characterization, self-assembly behaviors and multiple responsive properties, Macromolecular Research. 2013, 21, 12, 1338-1348.

[6] Xu, Y.T.*; Li, C.; Chen, M.; Xie, J.J. ; Cao, Y.; Deng, Y.M.; Yuan, C.H.; Dai, L.Z.*: The effect of POSS-based block copolymer as compatibilizer on POSS/epoxy composites, Journal of Materials Research, 2015, 30(2), 266-277

[7] Xu, Y.T.*; Xie, J.J. ; Gao, H.; Cao, Y.; Chen, M.; Liu, Y.L.; Zeng, B.R.; Chang, F.C.; Dai, L.Z. *: Interpenetration enhancing of chitosan-PEGLM double network (DN) hydrogel and its properties, Macromolecular Research, 2015, 23(1): 2-12

[8] Yuan, C. H.; Luo, W. A.; Zhong, L. N.; Deng, H. J.; Liu, J.;Xu, Y. T. *; Dai, L. Z. * Au @ Polymer Nanostructures with Tunable Permeability Shells for Selective Catalysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 3515-3519.

[9] Xu, Y. T.; Ma, Y. Y.; Deng, Y. M.; Yang, C. J.; Chen, J. F.; Dai, L. Z.* Morphology and thermal properties of organic–inorganic hybrid material involving monofunctional-anhydride POSS and epoxy resin, Materials Chemistry and Physics 2011, 125 174–183.

[10] Yuan, C. H.; Xu, Y. T.; Jiang, N. N.; Chen, G. J.; Xu, B. B.; He, N.; Dai, L. Z. * Colloidosomes constructed by the seamless connection of nanoparticles: a mobile and recyclable strategy to intelligent capsules, Soft Matter, 2011, 7, 3366-3372.

[11]Xu, Y. T.; Yuan, C. H.; Deng, Y. M.; Jiang, N. N.; Yang, C. J.; Chen, J. F.; Luo, W. A.; Zeng, B. R.; He, N.; Han, G. B.; Dai, L. Z.* Controlled synthesis, Self-assembly, and Funtionalization of Polymer Nano-hydrid Materials, Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 2011, 41(4): 587-608.

[12] Qu, B.; Xu, Y. T.*; Lin, S. J.; Zheng, Y. F.; Dai, L. Z.*; Fabrication of Pt nanoparticles decorated PPy-MWNTs composites and their electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation. Synthetic Metals 2010, 160, 732-742.

[13] Qu, B.; Xu, Y. T.*; Deng, Y. M.; Peng, X. L.; Chen, J. F.; Dai, L. Z. * Polyaniline/Carbon Black Composite as Pt Electrocatalyst Supports for Methanol Oxidation: Synthesis and Characterization, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 118: 2034-2042.

[14] Xu, Y. T.; Lin, S. J.; Peng, X. L.; Luo, W. A.; Gal, J. Y.; Dai, L. Z.* In situ chemical fabrication of polyaniline/multi-walled carbon nanotubes composites as supports of Pt for methanol electrooxidation. Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 2010, 53:2006-2014.

PATENTS (5 out of 52 total):

[1] ZL 200810071140.2, A artificial joint medium layer and its preparation method

[2] ZL 20071000868.4, Method for preparation of a kind of acrylic ester copolymer containing POSS coating materials

[3] ZL 200510000289.8, Method for synthesizing electric conductive polymer poly(o-aminothiophenol)

[4] ZL 200510000290.0, Method for preparation of a kind of sensor for catechol detection and its application

[5] ZL201110222462.4, Method for preparation of a kind of microcellular foam polystyrene wood-imitation plastic material


USA: Sept. 2013-Sept. 2014

France: Mar. 2002 – Jun. 2002; Oct, 8, 2006 – Oct, 16, 2006

学位 职称 Associate Professor
研究室 所在部门
电子邮件 xyting@xmu.edu.cn 电话 +86-18750256597
课题组网站 专业
所在院校 邮编 361005

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